

Calendario + Informacion de la pista

Sachsenring is a 3.67km road course in Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany, featuring rollercoaster-style elevation changes, tight twists and turns, and long straightaways. It is internationally renowned among motorbike racers.

Upcoming Events and Sessions

Nothing on the radar. The engines are silent, the tires are cold and the asphalt is getting greener with every passing day.

Past Events

Nothing for now, but you know how things are... time passes, this list is bound to grow. Watch this space.

Sachsenring: Interesting Facts

Nearest track of a similar category is Lausitzring (119 kilometers away).

  1. The Sachsenring circuit is one of the oldest continuously operated race circuits in the world and dates back to 1927.

  2. It is located near Hohenstein-Ernstthal, a small town in the state of Saxony, Germany.

  3. The circuit is a special race as it has several uphill and downhill sections, making it challenging and unique.

  4. The highest point of the circuit is 173 metres above sea level, while the lowest point is 117 metres above sea level.

  5. The total length of the circuit is 3.7 km and the race track is made up of 15 turns.

  6. The Sachsenring circuit has hosted some of the most exciting and thrilling races in the world including F1, MotoGP and WTCC.

  7. Home rider Stefan Bradl of team LCR Honda holds the record for the fastest MotoGP lap around the Sachsenring circuit; he achieved 1 minute, 21.311 seconds in the 2013 MotoGP race.

  8. The circuit has recently undergone a major refurbishment in 2009, with new safety systems being introduced.

  9. The original circuit had a temperamental climate and the races were often affected by snow and frost, however, the new circuit is much more modern and reliable.

  10. As of 2016, the circuit is owned and operated by the ADAC, the biggest motoring organisation in Germany.

FIA Grade:  -    Length:  3671 m    Turns:  13

About Sachsenring